How to Choose Rugs: Durability, Weight, and Style

How to Choose Rugs

Even though some people aren’t fans of carpets and rugs – they’re the ones who prefer classic hardwood floors and practical tiles covering every inch of their living space – there are tons of those who love them.

The level of warmth, coziness, and comfort that come with rugs is something you can’t put a price on, and there’s no way other floor solutions can replace these factors.

That’s why you too should think about choosing new rugs for your home, but make sure you’ve paid attention to the most essential features of every good rug – its durability, its weight, and its style.

If this is something you’re thinking about doing as well, here are a few factors you should take into consideration.


This might come as the biggest surprise to you, especially if you’ve never purchased a rug in your life – rugs, and carpet come with a warranty!

As a matter of fact, there are different types of warranties out there, and you need to start this entire process by checking them out and learning as much as you can about them.

And the reason for that is quite simple: these warranties will answer the question regarding your rug’s durability.

Rug warranties include several things and data you’ll probably never need in your life, but they also include a few things that might make a huge difference when you’re purchasing your rug.

It gives you the details regarding its style, weight – more on that later – as well as the materials, and all these things tell you how durable your rug is, how you should take care of it, and how long it’s going to last.

Finally, you need to look for rugs that come with at least a seven-year warranty for stains and wear because these are the ones that will prove to be the most durable.


Carpet pattern

This is another crucial feature you need to consider when purchasing a new rug, but the problem most people have is not knowing why a rug’s weight is so vital.

Well, things are actually surprisingly simple – heavier carpets, i.e., those with a higher face weight per square yard, are also more quality and durable rugs, and these are the ones you need to stick with.

Of course, this is something you need to look into before actually picking the right carpet and make sure you’ve found the heaviest model you can afford. Some of the most high-quality carpets come with around 60 oz. of face weight, and that’s the standard you need to aim towards.

Still, your carpet’s weight isn’t the only factor that determines your purchase, and you need to find carpets that are heavy and visually appealing at the same time.

That’s why sticking to a chunky carpet from HK, for instance, might make a lot of sense in the long run because these are made from quality materials that look amazing while still attracting tons of attention from every visitor you have.


When it comes to picking the perfect rug, you need to remember one thing: it’s all about the impression your rug will make.

That’s why insisting on the right style and trying to make your rug fit into your living space’s existing style are so crucial.

Luckily, there are tons of styles you can pick from, and choosing the right style might take a while, but it’s eventually going to be worth your effort.

All of these styles can easily be classified into four dominant types – Natural, Traditional, Boho, and Contemporary – and this makes your search much more manageable.

From Persian and Oriental to Farmhouse and Country, all other styles fall into these categories, so narrow your choice first and pick just one style you’ll focus on.

After finding the right style, move onto selecting the pattern, the size, and the materials of your new rug.

Finding the right rug might not be the easiest thing you’ve ever done, but it’s not as impossible as you may think.

Just stick to simple choices, and don’t be afraid to spend some time learning about different factors that determine the quality, the price, and the durability of your future rugs and carpets.

About the author: Garrick, the visionary behind Cordless Vacuum Guide, brings over a decade of hands-on expertise in cordless vacuum testing to his insightful reviews showcased on this platform. Beyond his passion for empowering consumers with informed choices, he cherishes precious moments with his family, exploring global cuisines and exploring different horizons with his beloved wife and son. Follow him on Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, and Instagram.