Switchbot K10+ Review

The Switchbot K10+, the epitome of compact efficiency, boasts the title of the smallest, fully functional robot vacuum with self-emptying capabilities. It can clean areas that a full-sized robot vacuum can’t.

Whereas other brands have products with enormous base stations, the founders of Switchbot went the other direction, designing a robot vacuum with a fraction of the dimension of a full-sized robot.

There are tradeoffs with downsizing; we’ll determine if these should dissuade you from considering this product.

Switchbot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum Review: Gimmick or Legit?
  • Navigation - 93%
  • Surface Cleaning - 93.57%
  • Deep Cleaning - 55.14%
  • Quality - 94%
  • Design - 94%
  • Value - 96%


The Switchbot K10+ is a fully functional mini robot vacuum half the size of a full-sized robot. Thanks to its diminutive frame, it has obvious advantages, like fitting in areas other brands cannot. As a bonus, it has a self-emptying feature with a four-liter bag inside that can hold dirt for up to 70 days (claimed). However, there are limitations with its downsized frame like the lack of suction power and small dustbin capacity. And while it can mop floors, it uses disposable wipes, not reusable pads, and does not have a vibrating element, so it’s not recommended for cleaning heavy residue buildup.


  • Its small stature will fit in tight areas
  • Above-average four-liter bag volume
  • Self-emptying feature
  • Not as expensive as full-sized self-emptying robot vacuums
  • Premium-level app features
  • Thorough navigation since it alternates between normal and edge cleaning
  • Storage for extra bag and wipes inside the base station


  • The algorithm is too aggressive
  • Weak airflow
  • Poor deep cleaning performance
  • Struggles with certain debris types like pet litter and quinoa
  • The disposable wipe comes off if it touches carpets or rugs
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Introduction to the Switchbot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum

Watch this video of my detailed review on YouTube if you prefer a visual.

Whereas other robot vacuum manufacturers are increasing the size of robot vacuum base stations to cram as much technology as possible for automation, Switchbot zags in another direction, at least with the K10+.

Switchbot K10+ and Roborock S8 Pro Ultra base station comparison

You can see the massive size difference between Switchbot and the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra.

But as with any downsized product, there will be compromises due to the lack of space.

With the K10+, its base station can only do one function – empty the robot’s dustbin.

Surprisingly, it comes with a generous 4-liter bag with ample space for an extra bag (or two) and a pack of wipes.

Switchbot K10+ base station view inside with the bag attached (and extra bag)

One feature I don’t like with the base station is the vertical port since it’s not as efficient as a port on a ramp at emptying dirt.

Switchbot K10 base station port

Robot Vacuum Design

Switchbot K10+ top view

Switchbot utilizes a round-shaped robot, which is common since it’s the best at navigating tight spaces since there’s less risk of getting wedged.

The K10+ is around three inches narrower than a full-sized robot, measuring 9.76 inches in diameter.

Like the Ecovacs X2 Omni I reviewed recently, the Switchbot K10+ has a fully detachable cover with three magnets.

Switchbot K10+ top cover off

One difference is that the K10+ doesn’t come off easily because it doesn’t go to the edges.

Brush Layout (View Underneath)

Switchbot K10 robot mop underneath

Another compromise for the K10 is the brush roll placement behind the wheels.

Switchbot did this so that it could put in a wider brush. One problem with this design is the front wheels blocking the brush.

The size difference between the K10 and a full-sized robot isn’t much.

Switchbot K10 brush compared to a full sized robot

Wipes Instead Of A Reusable Pad



Switchbot K10 wipes

The Switchbot K10+ uses disposable wipes instead of a reusable pad.

Unlike a fully-sized robot vacuum hybrid that utilizes a reusable pad, the K10+ uses disposable wipes and comes in a pack of 30.

One advantage is you dispose of it after the mopping cycle, as you’d do with a Swiffer.

However, there are several disadvantages to the design.

The most significant (for me) is the lack of a pad-lift feature, so the wipe will touch the rug or carpet and dislodge it from its position.

Another is it doesn’t cover much ground because of its small size.

Switchbot K10+ disposable wipe

This is how dirty the wipe gets after one mopping cycle in a small area.

Since the bracket covers the brush roll, it isn’t possible to vacuum and mop simultaneously.

It’s more tedious to use since you’ll need to remove or attach the bracket if you need it to mop.

App Features

This robot is compatible with the Switchbot app developed for this robot and the other products in their ecosystem, similar to Xiaomi.

I’ll summarize the most helpful features of the app below.

Mapping Run

Switchbot K10 app mapping run

The mapping run is one of the most helpful features for potential owners since it cuts the map creation time ten-fold (literally, by a lot). 

It’s one advantage that LIDAR-based robots (or alternatives that use a laser sensor) have over their camera-based counterparts.

This feature uses LIDAR’s 360 scanning to pinpoint the perimeter to fast-track this process.

Live Map

Switchbot K10 app live map

The next helpful feature is the live map, showing the robot’s real-time location.

What I like about the Switchbot app is it allows users to select the number of runs, even in the default setting, which is the “whole house” cleaning.

Map Saving

Switchbot K10 app map saving

After the mapping run, users can save these maps through the app.

I don’t know exactly how many maps the Switchbot app can save, but it seems to be more than four.

Customizations can be made with each level, like adding containment and setting partitions.


Users can block the robot from going into off-limit areas using any containment options – no-go zones and virtual walls.

The no-go zone enables users to block an area, rectangular or square, perfect if you have children or pets.

Switchbot K10 app containment no go zone

Another option is the virtual wall that acts like a, you guessed it, a “virtual” barrier, blocking the robot from going past it.

Switchbot K10 app virtual walls

One difference with this alternative is that it can block diagonal areas, something impossible with the no-go zones feature, which is excellent for more complex floor plans.

Quick Access Other Options

Switchbot K10 app other options quick links

Users can access different options by tapping on the “more” button beside the “strong” option (green button).

How Much Power Does the Switchbot K10+ Have?

I use an anemometer to check how much airflow a robot vacuum has.

This is a barometer I use to determine its potential cleaning performance.

But other factors are critical, like brush roll design and seal – how well it picks up dirt.

Based on experiments, a high-airflow robot vacuum tends to have better dirt pickup than low-airflow alternatives.

Unfortunately, the K10+ wasn’t good in the airflow tests.

  • Quiet: 7.56 CFM
  • Standard: 9.33 CFM
  • Strong: 10.98 CFM
  • Max: 12.32 CFM

It maxed at 12.32 CFM, which is below-average, and the cleaning performance scores reflect these results, especially with embedded sand (around 55%).

How Does the Switchbot K10+ Navigate?

Since the Switchbot K10+ uses LIDAR, it’s efficient in this aspect. This robot resembles a Roborock, which toggles between edge cleaning and the back-and-forth cleaning pattern.

One variance is the K10+ can only do two passes, while Roborock products can do up to three.

Switchbot K10 app two pass run

The one-pass difference may be necessary because of this robot’s small dustbin, and you’ll see why in the coverage test.

Coverage Test

For the coverage test, I scattered Quaker oats inside my small room and timed the robot to see how long it took to complete a two-pass run.

The sub-22-minute result was decent, but the issue is it didn’t pick up everything since the dustbin is tiny.

Switchbot K10 coverage test with timer

Since it doesn’t have a full bin sensor, it won’t dock and empty the dustbin when it’s full.

Consumers can only use a time-based system for the self-emptying cycle.

Switchbot K10 app dust collection settings

Cleaning Performance

One concern I had before testing this product was its cleaning efficiency with its low airflow and power.

The Switchbot K10+ was a mixed bag. It had sufficient cleaning performance in most experiments but struggled with certain debris types.

First, let’s look at the results.

  • Overall: 83.96%
  • Hard Floor: 85.23%
  • Sand on Hard Floor: 98.45%
  • Carpet: 97.04%
  • Deep Cleaning: 55.14%

Hard Floor Results

Switchbot K10+ hard floor results

  • Quaker oats: 98.8%
  • Coffee grounds: 99.3%
  • Quinoa: 53.28%
  • Pet Litter: 89.56%

The Switchbot K10+ struggled to clean quinoa, scattering a huge chunk around. 

I’m not sure if it’s the fast-spinning side brush or the lack of agitation from the brush, but it was bad.

Fortunately, debris pick-up wasn’t an issue with Quaker oats and coffee grounds, getting a high 90s score.

Not surprisingly, it (somewhat) struggled with pet litter, only getting an 89.56% score.

Sand on Hard Floor

Switch K10+ cleaning sand on hard floor

Despite the low power output and airflow, this robot picked up a high percentage of sand, getting an average of 98.45% in two tests.

It’s not bad for a robot vacuum with less than 13 CFM of airflow and is at par with more expensive low airflow options like the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra (98.6%).

Hair Wrap

Unfortunately, the low airflow hampers its hair-cleaning abilities.

I tested the Switchbot K10+ on five and seven-inch strands, and it barely picked up anything.

Switchbot K10+ hair inside dustbin

There was barely any hair inside the dustbin.

It got less than five percent on both tests.

  • 5-inch strands: 4%
  • 7-inch strands: 3%

Edge Cleaning

One surprise during the testing phase was the K10+’s edge cleaning, considering its low airflow output.

Switchbot K10+ edge cleaning result

The before and after photos above reveal how much dirt it picked up, leaving almost nothing on the edges.

However, it didn’t pick up anything on the crevice – not surprising given its low airflow.

Carpet Results

Another positive aspect of the Switchbot K10+ was its decent carpet cleaning performance.

It’s not as good as high-airflow alternatives like the Roomba S9+, but it was above average for a low-airflow robot.

Low Pile Results

Switchbot K10+ low pile results

  • Quaker oats: 96.96%
  • Coffee grounds: 94.66%
  • Quinoa: 100%
  • Pet Litter: 96.56%

The results on this surface were better than on hard floors.

One notable improvement is the quinoa experiment, which scored 100% on this surface versus the sub-60% on hair floors.

So, this robot is decent on this surface.

Mid Pile Carpet

Switchbot K10+ mid pile results

  • Quaker oats: 96.93%
  • Coffee grounds: 94.8%
  • Quinoa: 99.92%
  • Pet Litter: 96.56%

There’s almost no difference between the surface and low-pile carpet results.

Again, these numbers are excellent (at least for surface dirt) for a low-airflow robot vacuum.

It’s a viable option, at least inside small homes with low or mid-pile rugs or carpets.

Mopping Results

Next, we’ll examine how well the Switchbot K10+ mops, particularly juice and red wine stains.

Switchbo K10+ will try to clean these stains

I use these stains to check how well a robot mops and if there are potential issues, which was the case for the K10+.

It isn’t as securely fastened since it uses a disposable wipe and not a reusable pad.

Another limitation is the lack of an agitation element, so it struggles even with red wine stains.

Switchbot K10+ stalling trying to clean juice and red wine stains

It’s (maybe) a byproduct of a smaller wheel motor, but I think the bigger factor is the lack of agitation.

I wouldn’t recommend this robot for cleaning any heavy stains. Like the Swiffer, it’s meant for light mopping.

How Noisy is the Switchbot K10+

One benefit of using a weak motor is the lower noise levels; this robot is quiet in lower settings.

  • Quiet: 57.5 dB
  • Standard: 61.5 dB
  • Strong: 64.1 dB
  • Max: 66.5 dB
  • Self-emptying cycle: 69.2 dB

It was in the low to mid-60 decibel range in the two middle settings and just over 66 dB in the max setting, which isn’t very noisy.

Another plus is that it wasn’t noisy during the self-emptying cycle – just below 70 decibels.

Product Specifications

ModelSwitchbot K10+
Battery3200 mAh Li-ion
Run timeUp to 100 mins.
Dirt Capacity (dry)150 ml.
Water Capacity none
Auto empty capacity4 liters
Clean water tanknone
Dirty water tanknone
Width9.8 inches
Height3.6 inches
Smart NavigationYes
Recharge and ResumeYes
HEPA FiltrationNo
Side BrushYes
Extra FilterYes
Manufactured InChina
Warranty1 year
PriceCheck Price

Where Can I Purchase the Switchbot K10+?

You can buy this mini robot vacuum in online stores like Amazon. Check the link below for the latest pricing information.

Disclaimer: I will earn a commission if you click on any of the links above, but at no extra cost, so it’s a win-win for us!

Is the Switchbot K10+ Worth Considering?

Despite its flaws, there’s much to like about the Switchbot K10+. It’s cheap, tiny, and has decent cleaning performance.

This mini robot vacuum feels most at home in a tiny space, where its miniature frame will fit in areas a full-sized robot can’t.

Don’t expect premium-level performance with its power limitations, but it has adequate pick-up for everyday tasks.

5 Reasons to Consider the Switchbot K10+

  1. Tiny frame: The K10+ is around three inches smaller (in diameter) than a full-sized robot, meaning it can fit cramped spaces better.
  2. Decent-sized bag: The 4-liter bag capacity is above average, even compared to a full-sized self-emptying robot vacuum.
  3. Sufficient pick up: It won’t wow you with cleaning performance, but it’s sufficient for daily cleaning tasks.
  4. Efficient navigation: Switchbot’s LIDAR sensor and algorithm are precise and proficient.
  5. Mapping run: This feature enables this robot to create maps in a fraction of the time compared to a standard run.

The Verdict: Excellent for Small Spaces, But with Limitations

The Switchbot K10+ is excellent inside tiny homes where space is a premium.

Its miniature frame will allow it to fit inside small spaces a full-sized robot cannot enter.

Despite the low airflow, it has decent pick-up but struggles with certain debris types, specifically pet litter and quinoa on hard floors.

Unless you’ll need to clean these regularly, it was decent in the other experiments.

Expect a low airflow Roomba level pick-up, at least with surface debris.

However, the lack of airflow hampers its performance on embedded dirt.

Also, it struggles with mopping, even red wine stains, where it stalled badly.

If you don’t mind these limitations, the Switchbot K10+ is a decent, low cost, mini robot vacuum option.

About the author: Garrick, the visionary behind Cordless Vacuum Guide, brings over a decade of hands-on expertise in cordless vacuum testing to his insightful reviews showcased on this platform. Beyond his passion for empowering consumers with informed choices, he cherishes precious moments with his family, exploring global cuisines and exploring different horizons with his beloved wife and son. Follow him on Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook, and Instagram.